Mold Inspection
Mold Testing
Black Mold Inspection
Indoor Air Quality

Mold Inspection Services by San Francisco’s Mold Inspection Warriors

When first signs of mold start appearing at your house, such as dark stains on the walls and corners and in hidden places like the basement or the attic, the most important thing for you to remember is that if mold is the case, it is already in relatively advanced stages which necessitate prompt treatment.

In its first stages, a mold is very hard to notice and sometimes even impossible to detect. That means that by the time you’re able to notice stains on the walls or smell an unpleasant odor, the mold is probably already affecting the air quality in your property and will start spreading around quickly. This is why it is so important to perform mold inspections in your house either on a regular basis or before moving into a new property.

Professional Mold Inspection

Before you move into a new house make sure professionals check it in regards to mold. That will ensure that you and your family will move into a clean and healthy house, as mold can, and will affect the quality of the air and will cause breathing and health difficulties to the residents of the house over time.

Don’t think twice, it is a simple inspection and should mold be found, the professionals can hastily treat it and make sure all the infected areas have been thoroughly cleaned using the right chemicals, methods, and equipment, for if it is only cleaned on the surface, it is most likely to come back again quickly.

What is Mold and How Can You Prevent It?

Mold is a fungus and just like other fungi, the main 3 reasons for its appearance are humidity, the absence of light, and heat. Due to that, the places that mold usually appears in around the house are those closed, hidden places, that get little to no sunlight.

By understanding the prerequisites to the existence of mold, one can deduce the ways to prevent it from growing. It is important to make sure each room gets as much fresh air as possible and you should also keep an eye out for standing water or wetness in those places. Open a window, fix leaks, allow ventilation – make sure mold doesn’t stand a chance.

Have Your House Inspected for Mold Once a Year

The best way to ensure your house is clean and safe is to have it inspected for mold at least once a year. Professionals like the technicians of Mold Inspection Warriors will use their knowledge and the best equipment in the field to ensure there is no mold at your house. Our experience is wide and extensive so you can be sure that if there is even the slightest beginning of mold accumulation our technicians will identify it and will get rid of it! So call Mold Inspection Warriors at (415) 906-7770 now and have your house inspected for mold.

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